Kernelheaping - Kernel Density Estimation for Heaped and Rounded Data
In self-reported or anonymised data the user often
encounters heaped data, i.e. data which are rounded (to a
possibly different degree of coarseness). While this is mostly
a minor problem in parametric density estimation the bias can
be very large for non-parametric methods such as kernel density
estimation. This package implements a partly Bayesian algorithm
treating the true unknown values as additional parameters and
estimates the rounding parameters to give a corrected kernel
density estimate. It supports various standard bandwidth
selection methods. Varying rounding probabilities (depending on
the true value) and asymmetric rounding is estimable as well:
Gross, M. and Rendtel, U. (2016) (<doi:10.1093/jssam/smw011>).
Additionally, bivariate non-parametric density estimation for
rounded data, Gross, M. et al. (2016)
(<doi:10.1111/rssa.12179>), as well as data aggregated on areas
is supported.